Table of contents
Getting Started
Once you have installed Doctor Drafts, you are ready to start using it, but where to start? This section on basic use covers a lot of the built in use-cases for what you can use Doctor Drafts for. There’s quite a bit it can do out-of-the-box, but it is very easy to use, and you’ll get the hang of it in no time.
Doctor Drafts Cheat Sheet
By default, Doctor drafts only uses keywords for user triggering of the basic workflow actions. The table below lists out the available keywords along with links to the pages that provide further detail about that particular functionality.
Keyword | Function | More Information |
drnew | Create a new draft in the background | Creating Drafts |
dropennew | Create a new draft and open it in the foreground | Creating Drafts |
drfind | Search for drafts containing some text and select one to open | Searching Drafts |
drtitle | Search for drafts with a title containing some text and select one to open | Searching Drafts |
drsearch | Open a populated search in Drafts | Searching Drafts |
drqsearch | Open a populated quick search in Drafts | Searching Drafts |
dractionsearch | Open a populated action search in Drafts | Searching Drafts |
drcopy | Search for drafts containing some text and select one to copy its content to the clipboard | Copy Drafts Information |
drpaste | Search for drafts containing some text and select one to paste its content at the current cursor position | Copy Drafts Information |
drurl | Search for drafts containing some text and select one to copy a URL to open it to the clipboard | Copy Drafts Information |
drredir | Search for drafts containing some text and select one to copy a redirect URL to open it to the clipboard | Copy Drafts Information |
drapp | Enter some text to append to a draft, and then select the draft to append to by searching for ones containing some text and selecting the one you want | Insert into Existing Draft |
drpre | Enter some text to prepend to a draft, and then select the draft to prepend to by searching for ones containing some text and selecting the one you want | Insert into Existing Draft |
drdict | Open drafts and run dictation to start capturing content for a new draft | Dictate to New Draft |
drws | Open a workspace by name | Open Workspace |
drdoc | Find a page in the Drafts documentation, open it, copy its URL, or copy its Markdown link | Online and Local Information |
drdir | Find a page in the Drafts directory, open it, copy its URL, or copy its Markdown link | Online and Local Information |
drfor | Find a page in the Drafts forum, open it, copy its URL, or copy its Markdown link | Online and Local Information |
drscr | Find a page in the Drafts scripting documentation, open it, copy its URL, or copy its Markdown link | Online and Local Information |
drbscr | Find a page in the Drafts beta scripting documentation, open it, copy its URL, or copy its Markdown link | Online and Local Information |
drtad | Find a page in the ThoughtAsylum Drafts Library documentation, open it, copy its URL, or copy its Markdown link | Online and Local Information |
drsfor | Search the official Drafts forum | Online and Local Information |
drqref | Select a quick reference information file to view | Online and Local Information |
drqrlnk | View the Drafts links quick reference information | Online and Local Information |
drqrsr | View the Drafts search quick reference information | Online and Local Information |
drqrdt | View the Drafts date time formatting (strftime) quick reference information | Online and Local Information |
drqrtt | View the Drafts template tags quick reference information | Online and Local Information |
drhelp | Open the Doctor Drafts web site in the default browser | Online and Local Information |
drinfo | Select from a list of online sources for Drafts to search in | Online and Local Information |
drdiag | Run a self diagnostic report | Online and Local Information |
drstor | Run a Drafts storage utilisation report | Online and Local Information |
drfeedback | Open an e-mail populated for feedback on the Drafts app | App Feedback |
drbeta | [DEPRECATED] Now directs the user to the Drafts beta programme page. | Update the Beta App |
drbmail | Open an e-mail populated for feedback on the Drafts beta | Beta App Feedback |
drconfig | Open the Doctor Drafts workflow settings | Changing Workflow Settings |
drnoise | Toggle the Doctor Drafts setting for using an audible notification on action completion | Changing Workflow Settings |
drnotify | Toggle the Doctor Drafts setting for using a visual notification on action completion | Changing Workflow Settings |
drwfu | Check for a new version of Doctor Drafts workflow | Changing Workflow Settings |
dr | Select from a list of built-in Doctor Drafts actions to trigger | Master list |
The Tip of the Iceberg
Once you have mastered the basics, do take a look through the Extended Use section starting with Beyond the Basics. Doctor Drafts is built in such a way that you can extend the functionality and tailor it to your own needs without much effort, and without any modification to the Doctor Drafts workflow.
- Want to build your own daily logger? - no problem, Doctor Drafts can do all the heavy lifting for you.
- Want to build a quick access scratch pad in drafts? - Paging Doctor Drafts for a consult.
- Want to assign a hot key or your own keyword to something? - Doctor Drafts has got you covered.
- Want to run a Drafts action when you add an item to a running list draft? - Doctor Drafts to the rescue.
- Want to have a draft automatically populated with your greatest ideas? - Doctor Drafts can probably help, but there are limits 😉