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Table of contents
  1. Flow - drmail
    1. Description
    2. Variables
      1. Used
      2. Created
    3. Termination
    4. Flow
    5. Scripting
      1. Sample Code (AppleScript)
    6. Notes

Flow - drmail


Opens an e-mail populated with a recipient, subject line and body appropriate for the user to complete and send as Drafts application feedback.



The following variables can be passed in and will be processed by the flow.

Variable Description
subject * The subject line for the e-mail.
query Additional content to include in the e-mail.

* These are mandatory for triggering this flow.


The following variables are set-up by the flow.

Variable Description
extraBody Additional content to include in the e-mail. This is captured from query.
NotificationTitle The title to be shown in any completion notification.
NotificationMessage The message to be shown in any completion notification.





Sample Code (AppleScript)

tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred"
	set configuration "subject" to value "My Email Subject" in workflow "com.thoughtasylum.doctordrafts"
	run trigger "drmail" in workflow "com.thoughtasylum.doctordrafts" with argument "This is the additional e-mail content"
end tell


  • This flow does not send the mail. It populates an e-mail in the default mail app.
  • The e-mail body includes the Drafts version, Drafts app beta status indicator, macOS details, and the user’s Drafts Pro subscription ID.