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Table of contents
  1. External Triggers
    1. Loading
    2. Creating Content
    3. Searching for Content
    4. Copying Information
    5. Searching for Information
    6. E-mail
    7. Beta App
    8. Workflow Internal
    9. Workflow User
    10. Misceallaneous

External Triggers

Doctor drafts has been set-up to use external triggers as much as possible. There are two reasons for this.

  1. This effectively allows for a lot of workflow block re-use within Doctor Drafts.
  2. It allows us to use the Doctor Drafts functionality in bespoke workflow solutions.


External Trigger ID Description
dropenuuid Load a draft into the Drafts editor with the specified UUID.
drws Load a workspace into the Drafts app with the specified name.

Creating Content

External Trigger ID Description
drnew Create a new draft in the background.
dropennew Create a new draft in the foreground.
drcreate Create a new draft.
drnewfile Create a new draft from a file’s content.
drappend Append text to the end of an existing draft.
drprepend Prepend text to the start of an existing draft.
drinsert Insert text to the start or end of an existing draft.
drdictate Create a new draft in the foreground using Drafts’ inbuilt dictation feature.
drlog Add content to the end of a draft, based on title, creating a new draft if necessary.

Searching for Content

External Trigger ID Description
drtitle Open a draft in the Drafts app with the specified title.
drtitlematch Open a draft in the Drafts app with a matching title.
drsearch Open a draft search in Drafts pre-populated with search text.
drquicksearch Open a quick search in Drafts pre-populated with search text.
dractionsearch Open an action search in Drafts pre-populated with search text.

Copying Information

External Trigger ID Description
drcopy From a draft UUID, copy the content of the draft.
drurl From a draft UUID, generate and copy a URL to open the draft.
drredirurl From a draft UUID, generate and copy a web redirect URL to open the draft.
drwsrurl From a workspace name, generate and copy a URL to open the workspace.
drpaste Paste text from a specified draft to the current cursor position.

Searching for Information

External Trigger ID Description
drdoc Trigger a filtered search for Drafts documentation pages.
drdir Trigger a filtered search for Drafts directory sections.
drfor Trigger a filtered search for Drafts forum sections.
drsfor Trigger a search in the Drafts forum.
drscr Trigger a filtered search for Drafts scripting documentation sections.
drbscr Trigger a filtered search for Drafts scripting beta documentation sections.
drtad Trigger a filtered search for TADpoLe scripting documentation sections.
drqref Trigger a filtered search for TADpoLe scripting documentation sections.
drhelp Trigger a filtered search for TADpoLe scripting documentation sections.
drinfo Trigger a filtered search for Drafts documentation search options.
drinfo-skip Trigger a Drafts documentation search option.


External Trigger ID Description
drfeedback Open a feedback e-mail for the Drafts app populated with system and application information.
drbmail Open a feedback e-mail for the Drafts beta app populated with system and application information.
drmail Open a feedback e-mail for the Drafts app populated with system and application information, and a custom subject line.

Beta App

External Trigger ID Description
drbeta Update to the latest Drafts app beta version if an update is available.
drbetaforce Download and install the latest Drafts app beta version.

Workflow Internal

External Trigger ID Description
drnoise Toggle the noise setting for Doctor Drafts (enable/disable).
drnotify Toggle the notification setting for Doctor Drafts (enable/disable).
drcomplete Trigger the flow completion actions for Doctor Drafts.
drcompletenoise Trigger the audible flow completion actions for Doctor Drafts.
drcompletenotify Trigger the visual flow completion actions for Doctor Drafts.

Workflow User

External Trigger ID Description
dr Trigger one of the options that can be triggered by the keyword dr1.


External Trigger ID Description
drdiag Generate a diagnostics report for Doctor Drafts.
drstor Generate a storage report for Drafts.
drpyver Display the version of Python Doctor Drafts will (attempt to) use.
drwfu Trigger a Doctor Drafts workflow update check.

  1. See Command List for details.