Table of contents
- External Triggers
- Loading
- Creating Content
- Searching for Content
- Copying Information
- Searching for Information
- E-mail
- Beta App
- Workflow Internal
- Workflow User
- Misceallaneous
External Triggers
Doctor drafts has been set-up to use external triggers as much as possible. There are two reasons for this.
- This effectively allows for a lot of workflow block re-use within Doctor Drafts.
- It allows us to use the Doctor Drafts functionality in bespoke workflow solutions.
External Trigger ID | Description |
dropenuuid | Load a draft into the Drafts editor with the specified UUID. |
drws | Load a workspace into the Drafts app with the specified name. |
Creating Content
External Trigger ID | Description |
drnew | Create a new draft in the background. |
dropennew | Create a new draft in the foreground. |
drcreate | Create a new draft. |
drnewfile | Create a new draft from a file’s content. |
drappend | Append text to the end of an existing draft. |
drprepend | Prepend text to the start of an existing draft. |
drinsert | Insert text to the start or end of an existing draft. |
drdictate | Create a new draft in the foreground using Drafts’ inbuilt dictation feature. |
drlog | Add content to the end of a draft, based on title, creating a new draft if necessary. |
Searching for Content
External Trigger ID | Description |
drtitle | Open a draft in the Drafts app with the specified title. |
drtitlematch | Open a draft in the Drafts app with a matching title. |
drsearch | Open a draft search in Drafts pre-populated with search text. |
drquicksearch | Open a quick search in Drafts pre-populated with search text. |
dractionsearch | Open an action search in Drafts pre-populated with search text. |
External Trigger ID | Description |
drcopy | From a draft UUID, copy the content of the draft. |
drurl | From a draft UUID, generate and copy a URL to open the draft. |
drredirurl | From a draft UUID, generate and copy a web redirect URL to open the draft. |
drwsrurl | From a workspace name, generate and copy a URL to open the workspace. |
drpaste | Paste text from a specified draft to the current cursor position. |
External Trigger ID | Description |
drdoc | Trigger a filtered search for Drafts documentation pages. |
drdir | Trigger a filtered search for Drafts directory sections. |
drfor | Trigger a filtered search for Drafts forum sections. |
drsfor | Trigger a search in the Drafts forum. |
drscr | Trigger a filtered search for Drafts scripting documentation sections. |
drbscr | Trigger a filtered search for Drafts scripting beta documentation sections. |
drtad | Trigger a filtered search for TADpoLe scripting documentation sections. |
drqref | Trigger a filtered search for TADpoLe scripting documentation sections. |
drhelp | Trigger a filtered search for TADpoLe scripting documentation sections. |
drinfo | Trigger a filtered search for Drafts documentation search options. |
drinfo-skip | Trigger a Drafts documentation search option. |
External Trigger ID | Description |
drfeedback | Open a feedback e-mail for the Drafts app populated with system and application information. |
drbmail | Open a feedback e-mail for the Drafts beta app populated with system and application information. |
drmail | Open a feedback e-mail for the Drafts app populated with system and application information, and a custom subject line. |
Beta App
External Trigger ID | Description |
drbeta | Update to the latest Drafts app beta version if an update is available. |
drbetaforce | Download and install the latest Drafts app beta version. |
Workflow Internal
External Trigger ID | Description |
drnoise | Toggle the noise setting for Doctor Drafts (enable/disable). |
drnotify | Toggle the notification setting for Doctor Drafts (enable/disable). |
drcomplete | Trigger the flow completion actions for Doctor Drafts. |
drcompletenoise | Trigger the audible flow completion actions for Doctor Drafts. |
drcompletenotify | Trigger the visual flow completion actions for Doctor Drafts. |
Workflow User
External Trigger ID | Description |
dr | Trigger one of the options that can be triggered by the keyword dr . |
External Trigger ID | Description |
drdiag | Generate a diagnostics report for Doctor Drafts. |
drstor | Generate a storage report for Drafts. |
drpyver | Display the version of Python Doctor Drafts will (attempt to) use. |
drwfu | Trigger a Doctor Drafts workflow update check. |